Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Saturday, April 21, 2007
Friday, April 20, 2007
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Things have been very busy for us since my last update. We moved into the new house last November and have been settling in very nicely. The girls have had two babysitters since the move. Tracie was a godsend when we first moved in. She has two children of her own, but came to watch the girls during the day for the first couple of months. The girls loved playing with Tracie and Aidan, Tracie's then ten-month old. In January, Pam came to us from Guadalajara, Mexico. The girls are equally as crazy about Pam as they were Tracie. Pam has been a wonderful addition to our family and we are very glad to have her.
The girls are almost 2 1/2 now and potty training has begun in earnest. They are both doing quite well with it, although Kayley doesn't like to have her playtime interrupted, so we are working through that. I can't wait to be out of diapers!!! The girls are running all around and talking up a storm. Kristyn is still getting speech therapy once a week, and we are really seeing some good improvement in her verbal ability. The girls' favorite videos are Nemo, Monsters Inc, and Little Mermaid. We've added Barnyard and Cinderella to the repertoire as well as the Wiggles and Elmo. Eric and I can pretty well quote both Nemo and Monsters by rote.
Our neighborhood park was completed last month, and the girls have had great fun on the swings and slides. Kristyn, of course, took immediately to the playground equipment and headed straight for the "big kid" slides. Kayley, on the other hand, was much more cautious and took much encouragement before she was willing to try it. Now then, everyone is anxiously awaiting the pool opening!
Saundra has gone back to work full time for a subsidiary of General Electric. It was a tough decision to go back full time, but it was an excellent opportunity and the job has been working out very well. Eric has been travelling quite a bit again, so we hope that slows down. We are looking forward to the warm months and getting the girls out in the boat on Lake Lanier.