Thursday, January 26, 2006

Happy New Year

OK, so it's taken me a month to get Christmas pictures posted and a new update out. December was very hectic with the loss of Eric's grandmother and our unexpected week in California. We got back a few days before Christmas. It took the girls about a week to get their sleep patterns back after the time change.

We had a very nice Christmas. Saundra's parents came up and we opened gifts with Chris and Linda on the Friday evening before Christmas. That was a very special evening. What fun to watch the kids open gifts! Lorin was busy helping his cousins open their packages in addition to his own.

Christmas morning was lots of fun. The girls were greeted with stockings full of surprises. Fortunately, they had the Friday before to get "warmed up" on how to open packages. They were dazzled by the bows, ribbons and colorful paper. Their favorite item was a activity walker from Grandma and Grandpa Davis. It has wonderful lights and sounds. They both have so much fun with it that we got them a second one so they can play at the same time (and keep peace in the house).

Kayley is speed crawling everywhere she can get to. Baby gates have gone up and we've had to block off the living room from her speedy getaways. She is standing, cruising and trying to walk. It won't be long now. She's about 19lbs and getting very big! She has so much hair on top now that we've started pulling it up in pigtails, pony tails, or whatever else Laura can think of to keep it out of her face. Both girls are very cute with the little pony tails sticking up. They remind me of "Cindy Lou-Whoo" from the Grinch.

Kristyn is doing very well and just this week is finally starting to crawl a little bit. She's gotten so good at rolling everywhere that we didn't know if she'd feel the need to crawl, but sure enough, she's taking little moves in that direction. Her physical therapy is going well and Kristyn is learning how to pull up and stand, a feat that makes her grin great big! She's just over 15lbs now. I think we are finally on the verge of some real catch up growth. Table food seems to be making a real difference. She had a checkup with her Cardiologist a few weeks ago and got a very good report. She goes back in six months for her next echo.


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